Letter from our CEO

What’s next? That is the short, yes sometimes difficult, question that OAHC was created to resolve. As Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled individuals age, many of them will require assistance with determining their life course. We represent the consistent, reassuring, thoughtful, and informed support system in our client’s lives; enabling those we serve to transition into adulthood, manage a new health condition, grow their impact on the community, or get the job they have always wanted.

To better aid those we serve and to develop a well-informed perspective, OAHC must continue to grow and diversify its service offerings. Behavior supports, Lifesharing, Benefits Counceling, and Community Participation Supports are just some of the new services OAHC offers or will offer. Every step of the way, keeping our clients at the forefront and progressing on our goal to be the best direct care provider and employer in the area.

We are not just health care providers, we are members of the fabric of society and we  will work tirelessly to ensure that all with whom we are affiliated have the tools they need to say “I know what’s next and I have OAHC to help get me there.”

Leif Johnson Jr.


Open Arms Health Care, LLC